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  • Exoé | Table de négociation externe

    EXOÉ IS AN OUTSOURCED DEALING DESK WE PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS For Institutional Asset Managers, centralizing orders through a dedicated desk means efficiency, performance and promoting the client’s best interest. Exoé will improve your organization’s efficiency. A way to optimize your employees’ time Maximize your team's efficiency with real-time monitoring of active orders and gain unparalleled access to market liquidity. Master your daily life Reports and dashboards are essential tools for measuring best execution and precisely monitoring your dealing activities. Lighten your budgets Save on costs compared to an in-house team and swiftly implement new products while adhering to regulatory requirements SERVICES AND BUSINESS OFFERINGS Financial products processed Equities, ETFs, Convertibles, Money Market Instrument Government bonds Emerging market debt Corporate Bonds (IG, Crossover, HY) Options Futures FX Liquidity Various channels et execution methods : High Touch, Low touch, platforms, blocks, risk, all execution venues Management information Market colour, Information on blocks, axes, indications, sales trading news Geographical areas Europe, US, Asia 132 countries referenced in our systems Continuous service coverage From 7:30 am to 7:30 pm CET Strict compliance without conflict of interest An AMF/ACPR regulated entity with no proprietary trading, brokerage, or asset management activities. regulatory reporting, perfect traceability, best execution monitoring and measurement Architecture and systems expert dealing systems connected to your tools, real-time visualization of your operations Transmission of orders via any channel: FIX, FTP, SFTP, chat, email, telephone, Exoé interface. WE SERVE MORE EXTERNAL CUSTOMERS THAN ALL OUR COMPETITORS IN FRANCE COMBINED EXPERTS AT YOUR SERVICE > Our staff consists of trading specialists. > Together, we offer an optimized execution strategy. > We provide you with the tools to quantitively performance. Inocap gestion An approcachable team that has competence, good humor and real added value. Papa Sidy Guisse

  • Mentions légales | Exoé

    LEGAL NOTICE The update of these Terms took place on June 26, 2020. Browsing this website is subject to the applicable regulations and these Terms. Before continuing on the site, please read the Terms of Use carefully. You are currently connected to the website " ", published by Exoé SAS. By using the Exoé site, you agree to the Terms set out below. If you do not accept these Terms, do not access the site or any of its pages. Consulting the site implies acknowledgment of having previously read the Terms and accepting their terms. Online publishing: Exoé SAS. Headquarters: 6 rue de Lisbonne, 75008 Paris, France. Legal Representative: Mr. Fidel Martin. SIREN N ° : 492 940 499 RCS Paris. Publication Director: Mr Olivier Taverne This site is hosted by: Exoé SAS. Registered office: 6 rue de Lisbonne, 75008 Paris, France. Legal representative: Mr. Fidel Martin. SIREN number: 492 940 499 RCS Paris. Director of Publication: Olivier Taverne Status: simplified joint stock company with a capital of 529,650 euros Telephone: +33 (1) 80 50 59 59 E-mail: Informations The elements published on our site do not constitute a contractual commitment by Exoé, nor by its information providers. The information contained on the site is strictly informative; it does not imply any legal commitment or contractual agreement on the part of Exoé, who reserves the right to modify its characteristics. No services will be provided by Exoé to any entity or person if the law of their country of origin or any other country that concerns them prohibits it, or imposes on Exoé the obligation to comply with the registration requirements of these countries. All products or services may not be registered or authorized in all countries or available to all customers. It is up to each company or interested person to verify in advance with their usual advisors that their legal and tax status allows them to subscribe to the services presented on the site. Intellectual property This site is owned by Exoé SAS and constitutes a work protected under intellectual property. Any total or partial reproduction of the trademarks, logos, designs, graphics, texts, and analyses on the site or any communication to third parties, or use other than for private purposes is strictly forbidden. These data are reserved for the private use of the site consultant alone. In the event of an infringement, the user assumes responsibility and is subject to legal prosecution, including for infringement. Any hyperlink with the site as well as any use of the logo must be subject to prior written authorization. The site may contain hyperlinks allowing access to sites that are not edited by Exoé SAS. Consequently, Exoé cannot be held responsible for the content of the sites that the site user may access. Personal data & cookies Exoé pays particular attention to respecting privacy and informs you about how personal data collected are processed: this information is available in our personal data protection policy . Client Area or Secure Space The terms below govern the relationship between Exoé SAS ("Exoé"), 6 rue de Lisbonne, 75008 Paris, and the user of Exoé's services ("the Client"), regarding access to and use of information published in the client area ("Client Area") of the site . Your username and password are personal; they are placed under your responsibility. They should not be communicated to third parties. It is strongly recommended that the Client change their password from time to time. Exoé cannot be held responsible for any use by a third party of these codes, and the information they provide access to. The client must contact Exoé immediately if they suspect that their username or password has been disclosed or obtained by a third party, and that their integrity is compromised. Access to the client area is restricted and only accessible to authorized clients, and must not be shared. Although data may be extracted for personal or internal use, the copying or distribution of any information from the client area is prohibited. Exoé reserves the right to track connections to determine the number of files viewed and the origin of access. By continuing on the Client Area, you guarantee that no other person will use your current connection and password to access Exoé's website. These services published by Exoé may be modified at any time, without notice, in terms of content, features, or as technology evolves. As such, certain services, particularly information services, may be partially or completely temporarily or permanently interrupted. Internet Limitations Users of this site expressly agree that the Internet does not constitute a secure means of communicating information and the user uses the Internet at their own risk. Exoé, its information providers, and suppliers disclaim all responsibility, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information published on this website or disseminated through it. Exoé and its information providers and suppliers disclaim any responsibility for direct or indirect losses or damages, such as financial losses, viruses, file deletion, caused by the connection to or use of its website or the information and data contained therein or on linked sites. Furthermore, Exoé, its information providers, and suppliers cannot be held responsible for the dissemination of incorrect information for reasons beyond their control. It is up to the user to provide at their expense the technical means necessary to connect to Exoé's website (hardware, software, subscription to an Internet provider,...) and to monitor the evolution of their technical means. Exoé also reminds of the limitations of the Internet, particularly that: technical performance and response times to consult the site may be erratic; data traveling over the Internet is not necessarily protected, particularly against possible diversions. The user must take all measures to protect their own data and/or software from any contamination (virus, ...) that may come from using the Internet.

  • Contact | Exoé

    Contact us Address 6, rue de Lisbonne,75008 Paris Contact Opening hours 33 (1) 80 50 59 59 Mon-Fri 7h30 - 19h30 First name Name Email Message Send Merci!

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  • Réclamations | Exoé

    Claims In the event of a complaint, you can contact EXOÉ Exoé, Cellule RCSI – Réclamation 6, rue de Lisbonne75008 Paris, France +33 (1) 80 50 59 27 Monday to Friday - 7:45 AM to 7:30 PM We undertake to send you an acknowledgment letter within a maximum of 10 working days from the sending date and to respond to you within a maximum of 2 months from this same date. If you are dissatisfied with the response to your complaint, you can contact the AMF as part of the Order Reception and Transmission investment service. Ms Marielle Cohen-Branche Mediator of the AMF 17 Place de la Bourse 75082 PARIS CEDEX 02 The mediation charter The mediation request form Company Prénom Nom E-mail Téléphone Votre message Send Thank you for your email

  • RGPD | Exoé

    PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION POLICY Exoé attaches great importance to the protection and confidentiality of the privacy of its customers and more particularly of their personal data. In this context, this Personal Data Protection Policy will allow you to understand what personal data we collect and what we do with it, as well as how you can protect your privacy in the context of the services we provide. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DATA PROCESSING? Exoé, a French simplified joint-stock company, duly authorized to act as an investment service provider, with a share capital of €529,650, headquartered at 6, rue de Lisbonne, 75008 Paris, France, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under the number 492 940 499. 2. WHAT TYPE OF DATA EXOÉ COLLECT ABOUT YOU ? As part of the subscription to Exoé services and during the provision of these services, Exoé collects the following categories of data: Identification data: first name, last name, professional postal and email address, professional telephone number, customer ID, etc. Service data: transactions processed, funds managed, restrictions, etc. Usage data: services subscribed, products used, consumption, communications, geolocation, etc. Relationship monitoring data: support requests, correspondence, etc. 3. HOW DOES EXOÉ USE YOUR DATA ? Exoé uses your data for the purposes of contract execution and management. This includes the management of your account and the contractual relationship, the installation, maintenance, supply and management of the subscribed service or ordered product, the delivery of assistance and the processing of your requests, the invoicing of the service or product, management of complaints and disputes, also through third parties. This data is kept for the time necessary to manage the contract and/or for the legal duration. Without this data, Exoé would not be able to carry out the services to which you or the legal entity of which you are the beneficiary or user have subscribed. Exoé may also use your data when it has a legitimate interest. Your data will allow Exoé to evaluate and improve its services and develop new ones, as well as to carry out loyalty, prospecting, survey and promotion actions. Unless you object, you may receive, by post and telephone, offers from Exoé or its commercial partners, as well as emails for services similar to those offered by Exoé. With your express agreement, Exoé may communicate to you by email commercial information for services not similar to those already provided. Finally, your data may also be used to guarantee the security of the network and to prevent possible fraud or in the context of mergers, sales of assets or transfers of all or part of its activity, by transferring your personal data to the or to third parties involved in the transaction as part of the transaction. This data will be kept for the time necessary to achieve these purposes and for a maximum period of five years from the end of the contractual relationship. Exoé may also use your data in order to comply with its legal obligations (including laws relating to conflicts of interest, laws on money laundering and provisions concerning late or non-payment) and/or to respond to requests from public and governmental authorities. 4. HOW CAN YOU MANAGE THE COLLECTION AND USE OF YOUR DATA? You can at any time access your data, rectify it, request its deletion, object to processing for legitimate reasons due to your particular situation or even exercise your right to the portability of your data, by sending a letter and providing proof of your identity to: Exoé – GDPR Service – 6 rue de Lisbonne 75008 Paris. You can contact our department dedicated to the Protection of Personal Data at any time at: . The data that Exoé needs for the purpose for which they were collected, necessary to comply with a legal obligation and/or to establish, exercise or defend legal rights cannot, however, be deleted. By contacting Mr. Frédéric Varenne, Personal Data Protection Officer, you can also define directives relating to the fate of your personal data after your death. In the event of a complaint to which Exoé has not given you a satisfactory response, you can contact the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL) in charge of compliance with obligations regarding personal data. 5. HOW DOES EXOÉ ENSURE THE SECURITY OF YOUR DATA ? Exoé implements the necessary actions to protect the personal data it processes. Your data is processed electronically and/or manually and, in any case, in a manner that ensures their security, protection, and confidentiality with respect to their sensitivity level, through administrative, technical, and physical measures to prevent loss, theft, use, disclosure, or unauthorized modification. 6. WHO CAN HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR PERSONAL DATA? Your personal data is processed by Exoé, the group companies and its subcontractors and partners, for the purposes of managing the contract and carrying out the services that you have requested or authorized. Your data may also be transferred to third party service providers who provide services or support and advice to Exoé. On request, they may also be transferred to persons and authorities whose right of access to personal data is recognized by law, regulations or provisions emanating from authorities authorized by law. Exoé's subcontractors and partners may be located outside the European Union. When this subcontractor or partner is located in a country which has not been recognized as ensuring an adequate level of protection, Exoé requires it to comply with its security and confidentiality requirements for your personal data and not to process your data only for the purposes it has determined. Such subcontractors and partners will have previously signed the Standard Contractual Clauses of the European Commission. 7. EVOLUTION OF THE PRIVACY POLICY This Privacy Policy is subject to change, particularly due to legislative and regulatory developments.


    REGULATION The information contained in this document is intended to comply with the provisions – applicable to the activity described in section 2. – of the Monetary and Financial Code and the texts adopted (including the general regulations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers). 1. DEFINITIONS In this document, the following words mean: Exoé: Exoé SAS. Client: All customers or prospects of Exoé. Service: Any financial product or investment service offered or provided by Exoé to one of its clients. Sustainable support: A durable medium is a letter or any medium considered durable by a written agreement of the Customer. 2. AGREEMENT AND EXOE ACTIVITY Exoé is an investment firm authorized by the ACPR (Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de resolution), an independent administrative authority backed by the Banque de France, under the number 17873 dated 5 March 2007. Exoé is authorized for the following investment services: Receipt -Transmission of orders for third parties Execution of orders Investment Advisory This approval is available on the ACPR / Banque de France website following the link: Exoé SAS, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 529 650 euros Headquarters: 6, rue de Lisbonne 75008 Paris N ° SIREN RCS PARIS Contact information : Telephone: 33 (1) 80 50 59 59 – address: Website: All these details can be used to obtain, upon request, information deemed to be available from Exoé. Exoé markets its services mainly in France and communicates exclusively in French to its customers. Any material changes to the information contained in this document that affect the service will be communicated on a durable medium. RULES OF CONDUCT Exoé is a member of the French association AMAFI, a French association for financial markets. It acts in an honest, fair and professional manner that best serves the clients’ interests and promotes market integrity. In accordance with the laws and regulations in force relating to professional secrecy, Exoé respects the obligations of confidentiality of the information transmitted to it. 4. COMPLIANCE AND CONTROL DEVICE, TREATMENT OF CLAIMS Exoé has set up a system and an organization that independently controls the proper exercise of the service. This system, through appropriate procedures, aims to detect risks of non-compliance with professional obligations and minimize the consequences. In accordance with applicable regulations, EXOE makes a commitment to acknowledge receipt of your request within ten working days and to send a response within a maximum of two month delay starting at the date of sending. Otherwise, EXOE makes a commitment to inform you of the progress of the treatment of your complaint and possible causes of delay. In case of complaint, you can contact EXOE by sending a mail to the following address: Exoé Cellule RCSI – Complaint 6, rue de Lisbonne 75008 Paris by e-mail at the following address: (by mentioning in the object: “Complaint”) 5. POLICY FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST A conflict of interest arises when a situation could potentially harm the interests of one or more clients. To best prevent potential conflicts of interest, Exoé has drafted a specific policy on this matter. This policy, which can be accessed via this link, aims to detect such conflicts and neutralize them through appropriate measures. If Exoé were unable to neutralize a conflict of interest, it would inform its clients on a durable medium. 6. DATA CONSERVATION Without prejudice to any other rules that may be applicable, all data necessary for the provision of the service to the customer shall be retained for a minimum period of five years or for the duration of the relationship with the customer. They are held at the disposal of the AMF, which may consult them with the aim, inter alia, of controlling Exoé’s compliance with its professional obligations or respect for the integrity and transparency of the financial markets. In accordance with Article 39 et seq. Of the law n ° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, any person may obtain communication and, where appropriate, rectification or deletion of information concerning him. The personal data protection policy is available by following the link : Personal data protection policy 7. KNOWLEDGE AND CATEGORIZATION OF CUSTOMERS, SUITABILITY AND APPROPRIATE CHARACTER OF THE SERVICE xoé must have a good knowledge of his clients. To this end, the documentation comprising the framework contract, its annexes and the questionnaire “KYC Know your Client” make it possible to achieve this objective. The purpose of this questionnaire is to provide the basis for determining the categorization of Exoé’s customers and prospects by decreasing degree of protection: non-professional client, professional client, eligible counterparty. This categorization is communicated to the customer on a durable medium. Exoé says it does not have the infrastructure to provide service to non-professional customers. Finally, this questionnaire is the information base that allows Exoé to test the suitability of the service with the financial capacity and objectives of the client and to evaluate the suitability of the service for the general situation of the client. As part of the delivery of the RTO service, its suitability only is subject to this assessment. The tax treatment of the service depends on the individual situation of each customer and is subject to change. It is up to each client to inquire about the applicable tax system. 8. DELEGATES, EXTERNALIZATION OF THE SERVICE AND PARTNERS Exoé may contractually delegate or outsource some of the tasks related to the provision of the service. These contracts do not exempt Exoé from its responsibilities in this matter and are the subject of a formal control by Exoé. The list of delegated or outsourced missions and the delegated or outsourcing companies is available from Exoé. 9. INFORMATION The provision of the service is the subject of the signature of a written agreement between Exoé and its customers. Exoé informs its customers without delay of the execution status of the orders which are sent for transmission. 10. FEES, REMUNERATION AND BENEFITS All costs incurred by Exoé are set out in the agreement between Exoé and its customers for the provision of the service. Exoé may pay commissions to third parties other than its clients for the service provided to its customers. The details of these remunerations are available from Exoé. Exoé does not receive or provide its customers or third parties non-monetary benefits in connection with the service. 11. POLICY FOR THE EXECUTION OF ORDERS AND SELECTION OF INTERMEDIARIES Exoé’s order execution policy is limited to a policy of selecting intermediaries responsible for executing orders. The agreement binding Exoé to its customers may provide for constraining the selection by criteria specific to the customer. The order execution policy is available here : Exoé- Best execution 2023 11. RTS28 According to the article 27 of the Directive 2014/65/EU in financial instruments (MiFID II), and in particular subparagraphs 6 and 10, Exoé as an investment firm makes public on an annual basis, for each class of financial instruments, the top five execution counterpartiesin terms of trading volumes where they executed client orders in the preceding year and information on the quality of execution obtained. This report relates to year 2020 . Le RTS 28 2020 : Procédure Exoé – Client – RTS28 – 2021 Le RTS 28 2021 : Procédure Exoé – Client – RTS28 – 2022 Le RTS 28 2022 : Procédure Exoé – Client – RTS28 – 2023 Le RTS 28 2023 : Procédure Exoé – Client – RTS28 – 2024

  • Liens Exoe | Site Exoe

    Liens Exoé Décrivez ici le service proposé Site Web Exoe - Open Tracking orders on Equity and Fixed Income products is essential, and Exoé's real-time monitoring enables this. Monitoring - Ouvrir Décrivez ici le service proposé Formulaire Client - Open Décrivez ici le service proposé Broker Review - Open

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